Over a year ago, everyone has witnessed when the CoVID-19 pandemic arose and made huge changes in our normal life. For almost two years, we are continually living in the “new normal” setting. While some schools refused to open, Holy Cross High School continues to deliver education to its students.
Last July 26, 2021, the School Year 2021-2022 has officially started. It started with an opening program and was followed by a Eucharistic Celebration. In accordance with the issued DepEd Order No. 013-2020 detailing the minimum requirements and standards needed to implement alternative delivery modes of learning when face-to-face learning is not allowed in private institutions, Holy Cross High School came up with the Holistic Education Learning Program (HELP). This is a home partnership framework that promotes the education of the “whole child”.
At present, the school has two different learning modalities — offline and online learning. This is to ensure that “No Child Is Left Behind”. For Offline Learning, teachers prepared comprehensive modules so the learners can still understand the lesson even in their absence. It is given to those who are not fortunate to have strong internet access at home. Another form of learning modality that the school is offering is the use of Online Learning. In this mode, teachers use an effective integrated set of interactive online services that can bring out the best in their students. Currently, the school uses Microsoft Teams as its official online learning platform.
Life during the CoVID-19 pandemic is difficult for everyone but with a more hopeful note, all the experiences that this pandemic provided will give each of us an incomparable opportunity to learn. With the students given the privilege to take a lead in their learning and the teachers’ need to adapt to the new way of teaching, we in Holy Cross High School are all geared up with all the challenges that this School Year 2021-2022 may bring.